Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm Thankful For.....

Thanksgiving is right aroung the corner, tomorrow actually, and I am thankful for a lot of things. I am thankful for the opportunities and blessing and talents given to me by God. For my home and my wonderful family and for my and all of my family's health. I am also thankful for the clothes and food that we are fortunate enough to have. I am thankful for the good times and things that I have been able to do and also for being fortunate enough during the economic troubles. I am also thankful for being able to live in such a country of freedom and opportunity. And again for all of my fantastic family, distant or close, for being so supportive, healthy, and loving. May everyone's thanksgiving be safe and enjoyable! God Bless!

P.S. What are you thankful for?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Ta Ta!! I love you!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the huge delay and that I haven't been updating my blog, but here I am now! So let me catch you all up! I had a birthday on Thursday and I turned 16! I still can't beleive it and does anyone know if you're supposed to feel different? Because I don't at all! Here's the real kicker! At the beginning of the month, my grandparents came over to spend the weekend with us. They went out for the afternoon with my parents to go get my mom "a new chair" as they said. But when they came back I looked out there to see the chair, but no chair! Instead, behind our truck was a red Saturn Ion with balloons! They bought me a car!! I couldn't believe it and I cried! So I finished up drivers ed on my birthday ironically, and I'm hoping to take my drivers test to get my licsense next week! If only we weren't so stinking busy!!! AHHH! But I'm trying to be as patient as possible! Oh and for everyone who called me or sent cards regarding my birthday, thank you so much for thinking of me and I really appreciate it! It was very nice of you! Also on my birthday, my varsity jacket came in! How funny and of all days for it to come in! Halloween was fun too. I don't trick or treat anymore, though fun as it is, but now I help out my mom and dad by passing out candy. It has also become a tradition that my best friend Sam comes over and hands out candy with me. We still both dress up and have a great time. This year I was a little pressed for time with my costume, but it surprisingly came out looking awesome! I was a boy for halloween and all I had to do was raid by brother's closet! My dad said that he trully didn't know that it was me at first! And school is going well, just trying to hang in there and make through the year, but that's high school for ya! Volleyball season is over, and I have my banquet on Monday, and guess what starts on Tuesday? GYMNASTICS! It's a never ending cycle of activities! I am going to make a conscience effort to update more and keep everyone up to date! Thanks again for being to patient with me!!


Friday, August 29, 2008

Future yays and nays

Here are some things that I am looking forward to during the year......... going to Michigan Adventure with the Johnstons, finishing drivers ed and getting my liscense in October, maybe getting a car, seeing my friends at school and being in choir and piano, playing in volleyball games and competing in gymnastics meets, going to Florida for Christmas to spend time with my grandparents and aunt, having my grandma come in February, finishing the 10th grade in one piece, having summer come!

Now here are some things that I am NOT looking forward to during the year........ having summer end in 3 days, having school start and be in a gynormous new school, not having some friends in my classes, winter time, midterms, conditioning at gymnastics, final exams, going into junior year when big exams count the most!!!!

Well now you know the ups and downs of my life! Does anyone else have yays and nays of their schedule? Give me a holler and let me know!

Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm SO sorry!

Wow everyone! I'm so sorry about the delay! I have been on vacation and have started up with volleyball again, so I guess I've been slacking on my blog! Well let me catch everyone up. As I said before, yes, I did make the volleyball team. Or I guess in this case, I re-made the volleyball team, cause I'm on JV again. We have practice almost everyday, so that explains my absense. I have been working really hard, infact, my whole team has. And yesterday we voted on team captains, so lets all cross our fingers. I'm really excited to find out and can't wait to start playing again. So, moving on to our next topic, the icky word, SCHOOL! There, I said it. Unfortunatly, it starts on Sept. 2, so to make it more realistic, in 12 days!!!!! Yes, it's true, it's down to a matter of days now! Well, I have to admit, I am looking forward to choir, of course, being in two awesome choirs this year, volleyball and gymnastics. As much as I love summer, I am looking forward to school, a little bit. Just keep thinking, only 3 more years of high school.... oh boy. Again, I'm sorry to keep everyone on the edge of their seats waiting for me, ha yeah right! Well, gotta run, I gotta go clean my room......uggghhhhh!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Vaca! (oh yeah :) )

So who doesn't like a good vacation?! I mean really?! I'm goin on a sweet vacation cause now a days no one can catch a break to breath, let alone take a vaca, ya know what I mean? So it's not like Hawaii or anything, but it's still my vacation right? So, we'll be at my cousin's wedding and at my grandparents' house, Macanac ( yeah, the place with the good fudge!), maybe Torch Lake, and the iceing on the cake, MICHIGAN ADVENTURE guessed it..... THE JOHNSTONS! I know it's gonna be a spectacular day! We always do the craziest and most fun things and Taylor and I may possibly make fools of ourselves, but hey, that what friends do. Friends don't let friends go without looking embaressed, am I right? It's all good, and we'll have an awesome time with each other, we always do. So hopefully, this week will be all fun in the sun, and I'll get some time with my family and be able to breath before going back to work, gymnastics, volleyball tryouts, and well everything else.... so pretty much, the real world! But you gotta do what you gotta do, but why does summer have to end so fast?!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Life in the Sports Lane

Well... life right now is doing all right. I'm not one to complain. The junior olympics were less than stellar, but there were some good things too. But on a better note, I also just finished my last day of camp and let me tell you, it was AMAZING! Oh sorry gotta interupt. Carlos Guillen just hit a home run to get a one run lead!!!! Ok, as I was saying before, this years' camp was way better than last years'. I don't know if it's the staff or if it's me this year, but either way it was great. I really feel like I actually learned something and improved this time. I learned alot about passing, yes I said passing, a little hitting, serving, setting, playing, and TALKING up a storm! Coach is just too funny and her friends were too. I'm really excited about this year (volleyball wise) because I've already been on the JV team last year and hopefully can do the same this year. But in order to do that I need to start working out for tryouts coming up soon ASAP!!! I've gotta start running for the mile run, doing some pushups and situps (ok, alot of them), jump ropes GALORE, and other workout stuff and a lot of it!!! I gotta work to no end to be the best and earn my spot that I want so badly! I gotta get faster, more aggressive, louder, quicker, jump higher, and be able to set the tone on the court. Oh boy, I got a lot cut out for me, but good thing I'm a hard worker and have the drive! I'm gettin tired jst thinking about it!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Junior Olympics

Wow! How exciting! I can't barely believe it myself! I'm going to the junior olympics and not just as a spectator, but literally as a competetor! I have a pass and the leo to prove it! But the coolest part about it is that I'm going to surprise everyone and do a backhandspring! I'm quite nervous but really excited! All I have to do is go out there and have a blast doing what I love to do. I don't know why I'm so jumpy about this meet. If anything, I should be more nervous than ever before. But I'm actually the most happy about this meet than any other in a long time. It's crazy, I know, but I have a feeling that something out of this world is going to happen, like this is my time to shine, and that I've been holding out on myself. So, here are the goals and details about the meet. On vault I'll be doing a fronthandspring full and the best part is that it's with the airboard! Now my vault will be even better than normal. On bars, I would really like to just make it through my routine cleanly and without falling and the same goes for beam, I want to be solid and graceful. As for floor, I'm putting my fronthandspring front tuck at the begining so that I'm not so tired at the end. I'm also, like I said, am going to do my backhandspring (yeah :) ) and really show off my routine, all while trying to SMILE BIG! People always ask me if my life goal is to go to the olympics after I tell them that I'm a gymnast, and I have always said, "No, I'm not that good. I won't go that far." But maybe this is God's way of showing me that I have more than what I thought. Maybe this excited, jumpy and unusual feeling is God's way of telling me that everything is going to be just fine and that he is going to use this meet to test my faith and trust in Him so that I may come closer to Him. This is how He is going to show His power and grace to other people through me in my competition. It will be such an honor to serve the Lord using the talent that He has given me!